
  • Move forward / back
    • W/S or arrow keys
  • Interact with characters in doorways/ altars
    • Enter or Spacebar
  • Accept Trade
    • Enter or Spacebar
  • Cancel Trade
    • Esc

You have no past. There is only the Path. 

A spyglass and a sextant are the only tokens of a faint memory of the sea and the stars. Only one thing is clear: the way ahead. 

Trade with the denizens of the Path to gather the offerings and continue.


LeafMotif: Programming, 3D Art, Game Design

Shinbone: 2D Art

External Sources

Several low poly models by quaternius (CC0):


  • Regretfully, I ran out of time to add audio or a lot of the aesthetic polish I was hoping to get to this jam -- but I still feel good about some of the puzzle ideas explored here!
  • For the second puzzle, it took me like 8 hours just to design a meaningful solution. The spookiest thing about this jam was the creeping fear that I had committed to puzzle mechanics that were intrinsically unsolvable. Six iterations and several exasperated sighs later, I found a tricky solution that (i think) avoids soft-locking players into an unwinnable condition. It might be too hard....
Published 5 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
Tags1-bit, Horror


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Cool puzzle game, i really liked the game’s aesthetic, especially the item design, and that growing mushroom sprite was really cool. I do think adding some music would help a bit with the atmosphere, but I do understand it's a game jam. Great stuff!

Great little puzzle game! The mushroom was a great challenge


Thanks, Base Commander

I like the style and puzzels. they are like simpel, but you need to think to solve them. maybe you need like add ambience or kind of ... and maybe more puzzels? i don't know. but the game is good.

Thanks for playing! 

The game was created for a game jam. I had lots of plans for audio and music, and I also planned to have at least one more puzzle, but I had to cut them both for time.